Author Topic: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?  (Read 1298 times)

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Offline Mattk

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2024, 07:01:02 PM »
The [Internet Settings] have nothing to do with uploads to which is handled under the Setup>WeatherLink Network using the Device ID & Key which is obtained when the station is setup on This being the case for USB and serial loggers at least.

As previously mentioned have not used WiFilogger but it may work similar to WLIP, but really have no idea how it is uploading.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2024, 07:03:30 PM by Mattk »

Offline PaulMy

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2024, 08:51:38 PM »
As previously mentioned have not used WiFilogger but it may work similar to WLIP, but really have no idea how it is uploading.
I have not used the WLIP and instead have the WiFiLogger which has an option to upload to and in either WL IP or WL PC mode.  I use it in WL PC mode for upload to  I also periodically run Weatherlink v6.0.5 and with its Weatherlink Network settings enabled it also updates to that same account.

Reading the Help in WeatherlinkPC, it says "As long as the summary or other real-time window is open (whether or not
 it is active), the software automatically updates today's highs and lows as they occur." and also says "Download Highs, Lows and Archive Data - To have the current high and low values, the barometer history, and the forecast for the Summary. Weatherlink needs to download the values and archive data.  You can set defaults for downloading this data in the Station Configuration dialog box."  There is further mention on Highs and Lows - As long as the summary is running, the software automatically updates today's highs and lows as they occur.  They're represented by white lines that appear above the bar (high) or within the bar (low)." but not sure what exactly that last part means.

At the moment, your RH station on is current in both box and tabular views and seems good data, and RH station on WeatherLink App the same, but a few minutes ago the App had no data for your station.  Can you confirm your WiFiLogger is only being an IP logger for WeatherlinkPC and not doing any separate uploads?


Offline Mattk

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2024, 09:26:01 PM »
As previously mentioned have not used WiFilogger but it may work similar to WLIP, but really have no idea how it is uploading.
I have not used the WLIP and instead have the WiFiLogger which has an option to upload to and in either WL IP or WL PC mode.  I use it in WL PC mode for upload to  I also periodically run Weatherlink v6.0.5 and with its Weatherlink Network settings enabled it also updates to that same account.

@Paul, As you have basically the same hardware as the OP can we confirm a few things and eliminate things in common?

When you say "WL IP mode" is that totally self contained without any PC connected or running? Which is how the Davis WLIP uploads.
"WL PC mode" So this would be via the connected/running PC with WeatherLinkPC open using a Device ID & Key obtained from and config'd under Setup>Weatherlink Network ?

It appears the OP's WiFilogger is updating Highs/Lows throughout the day but does not reset the Highs/Lows at midnight/day rollover? Correction if I have this wrong.
Can you confirm that your Highs/Lows reset at midnight? If so then the focus goes to the OP setup/config and/or other.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2024, 09:31:04 PM by Mattk »

Offline WeatherRick2

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2024, 10:36:53 PM »

Reading the Help in WeatherlinkPC, it says "As long as the summary or other real-time window is open (whether or not
 it is active), the software automatically updates today's highs and lows as they occur." and also says "Download Highs, Lows and Archive Data - To have the current high and low values, the barometer history, and the forecast for the Summary. Weatherlink needs to download the values and archive data.  You can set defaults for downloading this data in the Station Configuration dialog box."  There is further mention on Highs and Lows - As long as the summary is running, the software automatically updates today's highs and lows as they occur.  They're represented by white lines that appear above the bar (high) or within the bar (low)." but not sure what exactly that last part means.

At the moment, your RH station on is current in both box and tabular views and seems good data, and RH station on WeatherLink App the same, but a few minutes ago the App had no data for your station.  Can you confirm your WiFiLogger is only being an IP logger for WeatherlinkPC and not doing any separate uploads?


I am still trying to get the lay of the land so to speak. I am seeing my data on, Weather Underground and Weatherlink 6.0 .5. on my PC. How do I go about confirming that the WifiLogger is only being an IP logger for WeatherLink PC and not doing separate uploads?

As I mentioned, the Summary as well as the Bulletin on the PC updates in real time but the Today high and low will not update unless the value exceeds the previous days number.

Offline PaulMy

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2024, 10:43:30 PM »
@Paul, As you have basically the same hardware as the OP can we confirm a few things and eliminate things in common?
I have the same hardware but run things differently:
1. I have an Envoy and USB logger.  I mostly run Cumulus with this connection, but every 15 days I stop Cumulus and run Weatherlink 6.0.5 for a while to keep the Weatherlink data up to date (logger interval is 10-minute which is about 17 days).  When this runs with Weatherlink 6.0.5 it uploads to basic account

2. I also have a Vue console with the WiFiLogger.  Through WiFiLogger in Weatherlink PC mode it uploads to at 5-minute interval to that same account.  However, this account is a basic account so the data is at 15 minute interval.  I can view this data if I temporarily move my Pro subscription from my Weatherlink Live account  My WiFiLogger is wireless/WiFi rather than ethernet, but ethernet connection is available. 

At the same time as uploading to the WiFiLogger can be connected to a PC running another program, and I have that with CumulusMX.  CumulusMX has a Disconnect setting to allow the WiFilogger to do all its non-Cumulus uploads.  I believe, but have no experience with it, this is similar to settings in WeatherlinkIP to permit both uploads and connect with a PC.

When you say "WL IP mode" is that totally self contained without any PC connected or running? Which is how the Davis WLIP uploads.
I don't run it this way, but yes it would be without any PC connected.

"WL PC mode" So this would be via the connected/running PC with WeatherLinkPC open using a Device ID & Key obtained from and config'd under Setup>Weatherlink Network ?
Partly yes, in that instead connected/running PC with WeatherlinkPC and having this upload to, it is live WiFi connected/runs with CumulusMX and once a minute CumulusMX disconnects for WiFiLogger to do its uploads to and the other weather services. 

It appears the OP's WiFilogger is updating Highs/Lows throughout the day but does not reset the Highs/Lows at midnight/day rollover? Correction if I have this wrong.
From checking WeatherRick2 site the Today's Highs and Lows are correct and being updated that I have seen so far but that may be because Rick has been restarting his Weatherlink 6.0.5.
Can you confirm that your Highs/Lows reset at midnight? If so then the focus goes to the OP setup/config and/or other.
Sorry, as I run Weatherlink 6.0.5 for no more than an hour or so twice a month I can't confirm that.

My question to WeatherRick2 regarding how he uses his WiFiLogger is to see if his use is similar to mine as WLPC or if using as WLIP and if that may be the cause of his issue.


Offline PaulMy

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2024, 11:01:38 PM »
I am still trying to get the lay of the land so to speak. I am seeing my data on, Weather Underground and Weatherlink 6.0 .5. on my PC. How do I go about confirming that the WifiLogger is only being an IP logger for WeatherLink PC and not doing separate uploads?
What are your WiFiLogger settings under Setup > Data Upload Setup > for  i.e. WLIP, WLPC, or Disable?
Do you have any of the other Data Upload Setup items (Enabled)?

As I mentioned, the Summary as well as the Bulletin on the PC updates in real time but the Today high and low will not update unless the value exceeds the previous days number.[/quote]
Can you confirm this is also the same at your site?  I can't tell from viewing your site which appears to be current but you may have restarted your WLPC.  Your Weatherlink App had shown Today Hi/Lo temp data earlier today but now is again just ___

Have you looked at the WeatherlinkPC Help that I noted, and does that make sense?


Offline WeatherRick2

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #31 on: Yesterday at 01:29:55 AM »

My WiFiLogger settings under Setup > Data Upload Setup > for is WLIP. What happens if I switch it to WL PC?
I also have and export enabled.

I believe the Summary in WL on my PC is not resetting the high low parameters at midnight. I restarted the program yesterday and noticed today that I still had a high reading at 3pm even though it was still morning.

I did look at your WeatherlinkPC help that you noted and it did further my understanding.

Offline PaulMy

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #32 on: Yesterday at 10:44:06 AM »
Your Today's High and Low seem ok on your but blank on Weatherlink phone App at the moment.

My WiFiLogger settings under Setup > Data Upload Setup > for is WLIP. What happens if I switch it to WL PC?
I also have and export enabled.

I don't know what the differences are between WLIP and WLPC settings, just that Wojtek told me to use WLPC when I was testing the WiFiLogger when this was first being introduced.  He knew at that time that I wanted to use it with third-party Cumulus.  You can try with WLPC as I can't see that it would hurt anything, and you can change back pretty quick through the settings.

One other thought on the WiFiLogger; have you looked at the debug output?  enter in browser yourwifiloggerIPaddress/debug
There is usually a lot of info showing and difficult to follow, but it may give you some more info on the loggers actions.


Offline johnd

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #33 on: Yesterday at 10:51:58 AM »
I don't know what the differences are between WLIP and WLPC settings....

Don't change the setting from whichever one you originally used. I suspect this will change the Device ID that is uploading to and so will no longer recognise the data.
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Sorry, but I don't usually have time to help with individual issues by email unless you are a Prodata customer. Please post your issue in the relevant forum section here & I will comment there if I have anything useful to add.

Offline WeatherRick2

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #34 on: Yesterday at 10:59:21 AM »
I will try switching to WL PC from WL IP and if necessary look at the debug file.

In the meantime here is what my summary looks like this morning. as you can see it has yesterday's or possibly the day before's afternoon high reading for outside temperature. so obviously it is not resetting  at midnight

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Offline WeatherRick2

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #35 on: Yesterday at 11:04:27 AM »
I don't know what the differences are between WLIP and WLPC settings....

Don't change the setting from whichever one you originally used. I suspect this will change the Device ID that is uploading to and so will no longer recognise the data.

Thank you for your note of caution, possibly just in the nick of time! I was just going to change to WLPC from WLIP as mentioned in my previous post. If I do make the change is it easily reversible or does it mess up all the data or? 

Offline johnd

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #36 on: Yesterday at 11:25:49 AM »
I suspect that you could revert easily if you do make a change, but wouldn't like to guarantee it.
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Sorry, but I don't usually have time to help with individual issues by email unless you are a Prodata customer. Please post your issue in the relevant forum section here & I will comment there if I have anything useful to add.

Offline PaulMy

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #37 on: Yesterday at 11:26:45 AM »
Thanks John.  I tend to be more of a trial and error approach but am aware of some differences at by different devices but definitely not an expert.  The WiFiLogger may be just a red herring here.

In the meantime here is what my summary looks like this morning. as you can see it has yesterday's or possibly the day before's afternoon high reading for outside temperature. so obviously it is not resetting  at midnight
Not sure what else to suggest.  Can you compare that WLPC summary to your summary and are they the same?  To me they look way different suggesting some upload issue, but then I have to convert your data from °C to °F as my units at are Celsius.


Offline PaulMy

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #38 on: Yesterday at 11:35:15 AM »
I suspect that you could revert easily if you do make a change, but wouldn't like to guarantee it.
Making the change back and forth is easy in the WiFiLogger settings, but the affect and change at may be different.  I have not done it so can't comment from experience.  I just know that uploading to my free account by my WLPC and also by my WiFiLogger set as WLPC both work without any issue that I am aware of


Offline WeatherRick2

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #39 on: Yesterday at 11:59:37 AM »
I appreciate all the feedback and we'll try changing a few settings. Unfortunately, I must first attend to my wife's computer as she's going from Windows 7 to Windows 11. That task is more daunting than this one I believe. Anyone wish to trade?

Offline Herbaldew

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #40 on: Yesterday at 01:17:15 PM »
Windows 10, WFL2 set to WL PC, WeatherLink PC set to not upload anything.  I opened the WFL real time data screen and WeatherLink PC Summary screen and watched as midnight struck last night and everything reset properly. 

I did not re-read this thread but what I wonder is:  do you have your WifiLogger AND the WeatherLink PC program both uploading to
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Offline johnd

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #41 on: Yesterday at 04:34:24 PM »
I did not re-read this thread but what I wonder is:  do you have your WifiLogger AND the WeatherLink PC program both uploading to

That wouldn't be a problem if the WFL was set to upload as WLIP (which I think is what the OP stated) because WFL and WLfW would be uploading to different Device IDs at
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Sorry, but I don't usually have time to help with individual issues by email unless you are a Prodata customer. Please post your issue in the relevant forum section here & I will comment there if I have anything useful to add.

Offline WeatherRick2

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Re: How to refresh WeatherLink summary to show today's highs and lows?
« Reply #42 on: Yesterday at 07:53:15 PM »
Well, I set the Wifilogger to WLPC. This may have solved the problem!

Everything appears to be updating properly and I will know for sure in a day or two. In the meantime, there is another interesting mystery that seems to affect far more Davis folks than just me. I will start another thread regarding my observations on UV data discrepancies.

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

